Arsenijs Pičugins presented his work on MicroPython to test power outage in other hardware. Presentation is available online.
To see his other endeavours, follow his blog.
Leverage Python power
- Python + Firmata aproach
- MicroPython and CPython Differences
- MicroPython Documentation
- OpenMV
Resources for beginners
- Soldering tutorial in Latvian.
- Buy electronics equipment and components online at Lemona, Argus.
- Cool Ideas for your Raspberry PI Project.
- Simplest MicroPython Project http://youtu.be/To-KUylzmOM
- Using Accelerometer http://youtu.be/T0ZxvSrkm58
- Controlling Quadcopter motor http://youtu.be/9zFYHiPbdQI
- Controlig toy car http://youtu.be/AuMY1aiAN4k and http://youtu.be/s8KxrKeUsDU
- OpenMV demonstration http://youtu.be/Fk3Op-CsmFA